Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bubba graduates...eventually :)

So this past weekend, Bubba crossed the stage and later this summer he finishes officially!!! Yay Bubba!!! I'm soooo proud of him and his stick-to-it attitude :)  Here are some pics from the weekend and I hope I'm not in too much trouble for posting :)

It was an EXTREMELY bright day so I played a lot with how much light I was letting in.  Clearly I need more practice :)  A lot of the pics came out overexposed when we were outside so I touched them up in lightroom. And a lot of them were underexposed in the civic center so I played with those too.  Lightroom was my savior this weekend :)

Love a good pattern of repeated items. Here we have the graduates seats and their programs.



He was so proud

The graduate

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